So cute! I'm a bit excited, anxious and pre-occupied right now, but all is pretty well.
A screencap from the latest episode of We Got Married... In my thoughts tonight: Are we ever going to get that last episode of Wild Bunny?

This photo reminds me of Spieling Peter, for some reason. WGM is as cute as ever!

Today's theme: Cute hats! I really want that Donald Duck hat now, soooo adorable. :) I've never been to Disneyland, but whoever got to see the boys is one lucky person!!
You make me happy... :)
So Khun finally tweeted... and I couldn't agree more. My day-to-day is hopping from this to that, like whack-a-mole, just trying to prevent problems, not really progressing too much.
Lookin' gooood, Khun!

Mmmm, today's episode of WGM was good. If Khun and Victoria were a real couple, things would be so much easier for them.
Mmmm, what a great photo. I'm so tired and I have a mentally draining weekend ahead of me, can't wait for my half hour of peace and relaxation while watching sunday's WGM!
I wonder if a superfan will ever make a compilation book of all the photoshoots that Khun's ever been in? Hmm... That would be quite hard, but fun.
Khun you are perfect. That is all that needs to be said. He should model more often.
This magazine cover is so cute!! I want it now... I just bought two (heavy!) magazines from Korea for May, though, so I guess there's not much chance of getting this one. Plus I still want the Elle Girl which Khun had a photoshoot in from September last year... Sigh! One of these days...

I'm depressed that I missed last week's WGM, because it's always the sweetest end to my week. While playing 2PM's first few albums and watching WGM, it astounds me how much Khun has developed and generally become even richer and awesomer in human quality through these years! He's got a lot of drive, this one. And I'll always be behind him, supporting, even if I'm dealing with personal life stuff.
My goodness, this is the cutest walking-to-somewhere candid photo I've ever seen!

You never cease to amaze me, Khun. :)
GUHHHHHH, Khun's ad for Look Optical is TO DIE FOR. How much gorgeousness can a short ad take??? I can't even explain how much I explosively love the sleekness of that ad, ughhh... I've been missing Korean media and consumer culture lately, and this just tops it all off!

I'm still not mentally 'back' from the amazing Katy Perry concert I went to last night, but at least now I just have to go to 2PM's one day!!
So I watched the Take Off M/V!! It's quite different from the style that 2PM usually does, but clean and futuristic, it was nice. Not overly amazing, but I like the choreo and Khun's bits are the best, of course! :P
Khun fidgeting with his hands, he looks so sweet here. My mind is a bit pre-occupied with Katy Perry this weekend, but I keep remembering Khun moments of my last trip to Korea... You never leave my thoughts Nichkhun Horvejkul!
Not much to say today, hope you are all well!
Mmm, the description of this perfume really appeals to me! No wonder Khun, a VERY appealing guy, is advertising it! :P I donated blood for the first time today - my time was 6 minutes and 24 seconds. 6:24 is Nichkhun's birthday! Needless to say, I was really excited. A good sign, no? :)
Definitely a Khunatic.

AIR GUITAR KHUN!!! Hehehe. :P I wasn't too happy with the latest episode of WGM, the part where they ran into the CF girl at the supermarket stank of 'script'.