I think Khun is in America now.. How long has it been for him? Wow.. Anyway, I will catch up on airport pics and videos later!! First, I gotta post this before midnight! XD
I think I just about started hyperventilating when I saw these gorgeous sets of pics!! It's from an entertainment TV section he was shooting - cannot wait to see them!!!! I'll probably post more of these, and my 'runner-up' pic is Khun with Boom and a baby!! What an awesome way to end my evening!! 8D
Okay okay, I still have a problem with Khun's hair.. At least it was adorable in AAA! XD Meanwhile, the new info about Jay is AMAZING!!! :D Sorry about the short post. :P
Today's photo is an adorable one, well, two-in-one, where his big white beanie kept coming down over his eyes. XD Thanks to Anne, I finished watching Danbi #1!! All I can say is wow. I could tell it was something Khun enjoyed helping out with, and the things I saw were touching. I hope that we all get many opportunities like Khun did in Danbi to help everyone around us. :)
Ahhhhhh! Cutie Khun, in Danbi. Note to fellow Khun fans - does anyone know where I can download/watch all videos of Khun in danbi?? I totally missed it all because I was too busy in school.. Also, the 2PM flash mob competition sounds fun! I'll be watching the entries, hehe. ;)
I hope this is a new picture for most of you! He looks so cute, I like the blue and white clothes. Anyhow.. Yeah, I still don't like his Without U hair.. Meanwhile, his entire outfit and hair for DSCS was gorgeous!! Plus you could see his arm muscles, hahaha. :P Don't you think his Without U hair looks like Jang Geun Suk's from You're Beautiful?
Omgg, so sorry for missing a post yesterday - I was watching a movie and didn't notice the time. :( Anyhow, right to the point - I hate his Without U hairstyle like I hated it in My Colour!! I loved DSCS, the dance is very cool and Khun does it so so well! That little shove between him and Taec was so fierce and masculine and hot!! 8DDDD
I can't help uploading old-ish new pictures because I wanna see him back on stage with this new hair so badly!!! I'm really looking forward to his rap in Don't Stop Can't Stop, and their new outfits/stage setting. :DD
Today's pic.. I like his hair colour less in this pic, is that just the lgihting? And wow Khun's arm muscles, haha.. And lastly, OMG WHAT IS THAT BANDAGE DOING ON HIS WRIST?! Did something happen to Khun?? During MV filming or something?? Nooooooo!! :(
I can't wait to see Khun again onstage.. I know he will be perfect. His dancing in the MV was awesome - he really pays attention to those tiny little details that gives him the perfection. Plus his rapping will be OMG!! Haha. I hope he won't have tooooo much makeup on, although the eyeliner makeup in yesterday's photo was both with the concept and masculine..
OMG OMG about the new songs.. Hehehe, first of all, I love EVERY single Khun part in the album!! Khunnie, I'm so so proud, you're amazing, this is so so so so amazing!!! Especially the rap in Don't Stop Can't Stop - that's my favourite song from the album! I'm still kinda :/ on Without U.. I think, the dance especially, is too smothered with JYP style to be called 2PM. But we'll see. :) Btw this photo is completely gorgeous, can't wait for the sleek intense new performances!! Khunnie Khun Khun I am so proud of you!! Your Korean articulation has improved HEAPS and you just get better and better, it's almost unfair! Haha. Long post, but what did you think?? Your favourite song?
Coffe cup Khun~ Hahaha. I think there are quite a few pictures of Khun holidng a mug in his hands... Maybe he could do a coffee commercial? :P Anyhow.. I miss him!! I go back to school tomorrow, but hopefully I won't be too busy to watch when their new song comes out! :D
It's a small pic but so so cute I wanted to post it. That's Khun with Kwon, pre-debut. ;) From http://community.livejournal.com/khunaday - a must-visit website! :O I've had a pretty long but good day today.. How was yours? ;)
The finalised colour of Khunnie's hair, I guess! :P And I have to say... OMGG I LOVVE IT!!!!!!! It looks soooo much better than I'd expected.. It may just about become my 2nd favourite hair colour for Khun.. Hehehe. But yeah, incredibly gorgeous and smooth-looking. It suits his skintone. :) Also, on a personal note - I passed my Learner's driver's license today! :D
Just for reference, this is the teaser pic (KhunKhunKhun ver.) for the new single. Hehehe. I really like this outfit - it doesn't alter Khun's bodyshape dramatically, no nonsense, just a sleek all-black suit. Hopefully the good styling continues!! :D

I didn't choose today's photos for any particular reason.. Just a random pick from my folder - which I really need to organise! Haha. You've all seen the new teaser pic, right? I'm still confused about Khun's hair colour but everything else looked really great. It's Black Day in Korea today, I wonder if any of the boys went out to eat jjajangmyun? Yummy.. ;)
Exciting real-time things never seem to happen BEFORE I get to post on AKAD, so I don't expect to hear/see a new teaser or song until I press Publish. Hahaha. I am curious for this concept - since I'm not really expecting anything at the moment, hopefully it'll blow me away! Khun always does. ;)

1. Sorry I broke the rule, but the colours were so pretty!! Looking forward to the pics in the It's Skin promotions.. 2. It's D-2 according to JYPE's website! :D Yay for comebacks!! 3. There are a bunch of birthday projects going on at http://community.livejournal.com/2pm_timeless you might want to be a part of!! :)
Khun's :O and :3 faces! I totally forgot about adding 'bonus' pictures when I've been away, so I'll start doing them now. :DD I saw a video of Khun of doing the Spris dance, gah I love how he was so smiley and cute. I hope the boys aren't out-practising themselves.. I wonder what the MV will be like. I'm not excited for the new song, but I'll probably love it when I hear it. XD

Look! I think Khun changed his hair colour!! His hair is more of a light brown that orangey blonde, and his eyebrows look lighter too!! :O I would so love to be at that fanmeeting, I'm a fan of Kara as well as 2PM! Khunnie looks amazing, as always - he looks so great in white. :)
Another Nichkhun-at-the-airport pic.. On a different note, the most memorable song 2PM performed would have to be I Hate You. I remember how stressful everything was for them; they never really had enough sleep or practise.. But I think they were happy 'cause of how well they were doing, how much everyone loved them..
Ahhh I know this photo isn't really recent anymore, but I couldn't resist!! The little caption says 'heart lips! >_<' by the way! Sooooo adorable. XD Meanwhile, about Khun's hair.. I'm the most worried about his eyebrows not matching his hair colour, but otherwise I think it'll be okay. I'm slightly worried for the outfits now, though.. Sigh. One at a time, right? XD
Gahhhhh I watched some of the fancams from the event!!! Khun knows exactly how to make us fangirls die happily, hahahaha. XDD I like his hair so much better than I thought I would! Nichkhun, I'm always so proud of you.. WE LOVE YOU!! Khun narak! :DD
I like this pic! According to someone's blog, this lady was on the same flight - Khun has really blonde hair now, plus she got to watch him sleep!!! So so jealous! :O
Please let me know if this is a double-up! I just got back from my school production afterparty, so I'm glad there's enough time to update. Apparently 2PM's new songs will be softer and more mid-tempo.. Thank goodness the boys won't kill themselves practising or performing, then! Looking forward to Khun getting (hopefully) longer and more parts. :)
I just realise that I put 03 for March instead of 04 for April in yesterday's post.. See, the time flies by so fast I can barely keep track. Anyhow, who else is loving these cute Khun/Kwon tweet interactions.. And Khun's tweets in general? I know I am! :D
Yet another photo from this press conference. I've lost count how many of these photos I've posted! XD Hopefully it's not a repeat.. OMG Khun in WGM made me laugh, and so happy! :) Nothing better than Khun!! I'm worried for this new album concept though.. The darker his hair, the better I like it... :/
Gaaaaaaaahh, it's been waaaay too long since I last posted! I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean to neglect the blog, but after coming home late from the school productions I wasn't allowed to use the computer. :( Did you have a good April Fool's day? I did, because my 2PM mug cups, polaroid sets, 1:59pm CDs and Khun's birthday hat arrived from Korea!! :D