The date looks as bizarre as ever, I can't get used to Daylight Savings (even though it's been a week), and Nichkhun looks... whoa. He looks good. :D
I was gonna upload a few other photos, but decided against it - I don't want anything to take away from the softness in Khun's eyes and the mesmerizing effect of him in general. It's such a good thing that Khun's a great guy on the inside!
Hahaahahaha, the thought of Khunnie being in Sudden Attack amuses me greatly. From what I've heard, teenage Korean boys go craaaazy for this game! Besides, with this smile, who would run around shooting people?
I made myself watch the last Khuntoria episode of We Got Married just now. It's made me so sad, I teared up more than Vic did. It probably was not true love, I know that, but it was a great friendship, and so many memories were shared on the show. To me, WGM was a constant for the past year or so. I'm truly sad to see it end. :(
A great (even if immensely stressful) day deserves an equally lovely image! Thanks for sticking around, everyone! I know I haven't exactly been... uh, consistent in the last weekmonth year!
Quadruple Picture Post to make up for my life running away with me lately! I haven't even watched the last episode of WGM!!!! I'm very surprised at myself right now. Although now that I think of it, I am dreading it immensely. Anyways, I hope you're all well! :)
Oh, I wanted to upload another picture, but I think it was a very high-quality .GIF file... Blogspot didn't want to upload it, but here's a pic of Khunnie in pink!